Title: Well-Being Community (Brief)
Concise Description:
Residential Learning Community, Well-Being Centre and Guest House.
Every possibility, variation & emphasis depends upon every participant.
Well-being sessions, workshops & programs:
Nutrition, massage, healing, meditation, movement, creativity, learning.
Counselling, child & personal care, debt, grief & rehabilitation programs.
Transform a Motel in to a Residential Well-Being Community
A Motel with 10 to 20 rooms & common areas, renovated to requirements.
Located to serve Melbourne area, with a valuable destination experience.
To be a "harbour and a hub", not too far from the business of the inner city.
To provide personal space, as well as social & relationship opportunities.
Kitchen, pantry, lounge, garden, laundry, library, internet, car-sharing.
A personal and shared lifestyle for everyone's benefit and responsibility.
Rooms are allocated to provide continuity, choice & transition:
1/4 of the rooms provide medium to long term participation, residential.
1/4 of the rooms provide short to medium term participation, residential.
1/4 of the rooms provide daily overnight stay to short term residential.
1/4 of the rooms provide independent practice and well-being sessions.
Economic Income Projection (per room per year):
Room residence contributions vary with length of stay
Long or full annual term (1 year) $12,000 a year
Medium semi-annual (6 months) $15,000 a year
Medium quarterly (3 months) $20,000 a year
Short weekly stays (2 weeks) $25,000 a year
Daily or night stay ($110/night) $40,000 a year
Well-being Sessions ($60/hour) $80,000 a year
Independent Practice ($15/hour) $20,000 a year
Example: 15 rooms, $26,667 (average/room/year) = $400,000
Economic Capital Finance:
A large capital loan will be required to purchase a motel like business.
Initial funds, further investments, deposits reduce interest bearing loan.
As is depositing 100% of all participating income in Loan offset account.
With Approx. 7% Loan Interest & 3% building insurance and out-goings.
Ethical Investment, Seed Grants, Mutual Credit, Co-operative Funds:
Jobs, skill training, education, community based, healthy and eco-friendly.
Fully transparent and accountable economic activity to all stake-holders.
As principal is repaid, outstanding loans, debts and interests will reduce.
As overhead expenses are reduced, more funding is available for well-being.
Participation encourages responsible investment in sustainable well-being.
Economic Expense Projection:
$1.875M Capital Investment: 8% finance payments $150,000 /yr (reducing).
$190,000 wages, average $20 /hour, 190 hours /week, 50 weeks /year.
$60,000 supplies, marketing, utilities, equipment, legal & tax advice.
Estimate per Year: $150,000 + $190,000 + $60,000 = $400,000
Skills, Employment and Wages (190 hours per week):
Reception for Room, Car, Net, Library (68): 12.5 hrs for 5.5 days.
Well-being Practitioners (68): 12.5 hourly sessions for 5.5 days.
Cleaning (20): kitchen, bedrooms, lounge, laundry, office, cars.
Maintenance (10): general care, fix and replace according to need.
Accounts (10): bank, wages, bills, budgets, reports, book keeping.
Purchasing (10): food, utensils, cleaning, bedding, fuel, library.
Orientation (4): Tour, introduction & explanations for new arrivals.
Constitutional Guidelines, Governance, Values and Agreements:
Collaborative, Creative, Evolving operational procedures and policies.
Open Heart, Trust, Privacy, Need, Contribution, Commitment, Ownership.
For Well-being, radiant in body and soul, may we learn to be well together.
With Thanks to friends for providing valuable feedback and interest...
We are seeking people, funds, resources, links, activities, communities etc.
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This brief is a work in progress and not provided as reliable advice.
July 2, 2006 (last updated 2006/07/20)
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