Title: A great freedom
A great freedom is coming, a wonderful flow of fresh power which truly belongs to the quality of every miraculous life giving soul.
A joyful vocational celebration in the arrival of the open and free human manifestation. An inauguration of the full and robust freedom found in every dear moment in the spiral of time. Found in every sacred layer of the jewelled prism of opportunity. Found in the multi directional echo, rippling through enfolded space.
Each person can readily recognize this beautifully awkward and naive but vivid sense. It is immediately identified by a deep loving spirit, to meet the fullness of a lucid knowing heart, then curiously trailed by a potent funky scent. Which will tend to eventually bloom into an outlandish perfume, if overtly or mockingly teased.
Truly fantastic, it daringly offers to reveal all. Nevertheless beheld as mysterious and coveted just as much because it continues to conceal and withhold its greatest delights.
Emerging from within the inner resonant intonations of the conjured spirit, it is found while flirting with the muse of authenticity. It is the passionate but fiercely jealous lover of spontaneous creativity.
This joyous foaming fountain will spring forth from its modest, quiet and humble beginnings. It will then caress and promise to soon return to re-enter the intimate and fertile pregnant storehouse of proposals for life in its sacred temple to intentional being.
Birthing a very small bud, protruding bravely to unfurl a newly exposed soft and naked leaf. A childish tender sprout, it comes of age, a young green adolescent sapling. A plant growing among a host of nurturing and challenging influential environments.
A powerful tree, with lofty branching vines above, venturing out, and so too its roots tether to seek down below. Seeking the approval of the imaginations totem, an animate spirit. Wishfully it deciphers instructions secretly depicted in the heart of its sprawling extensions. It longs to unravel the confounded patterns within the rings and coils of its ancient unmoved trunk.
A free spirit, it rises among lifes canopy with an eagerness ready to rival any motivated peer, challenger or similar participant. It rouses itself playfully with other beautiful creatures. Discovering the wisdom of mingling.
With an intoxicating glance its sumptuous mouth, opens to romantic song. It precariously courts its newest lover to dance and fondle cyclic time. Fornicating the charisma of joyous repetition, groping to embrace every enticing limb, the concert of entangled desires.
Acquiring a second nature within these strangely wild, flourishing possibilities. It again becomes, within its new found sense, the primary possessor of a string of new harmonies, those best at guessing a likely first nature.
Co-opting the whole of its flamboyant symphony, as its own creation, it lures in the organically responsive movements of its new ecosystem. Its tempting seductive gestures, echo back to itself, inwards, gracefully with innocent vulnerability, re-entering itself, within its stillness. It again rediscovers its mysterious wonderfully primitive inner water.
Its worldly responsibility lies in the hospitable accommodation of the entire corporeal variety of habitual associations. The relearning of all languages best taught by the near blind and hard of hearing. A child, opening once again to the primary beginnings of all the souls living senses.
Thankfully, in coming to terms with this positive charge, in coming to full term, it labours with a power able to effect valuable creativity. It is in this fertile choice, a pregnant freedom. To be included in a greater ingestion, to be integrated by loves promise. To transcend the constellation of significant and familiar experiences, beliefs and the greater community of its relationships.
Personally and responsively empowered, truly one of a kind, each soul comes together to welcome the most recent new member of its spectacular robust community. So with your kind permission, I choose to become, again somehow, someone new, with you too in the high mind and rooted in the deeper heart.
As you are such a trust worthy co host, I warmly invite you, with all my heart, to participate as a full fledged life partner. A kindred miraculous lover, authentically creative with this renewable sustainable power. Spontaneous in its coming into the joyous freedom of voluntary socially responsible being.
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