yehoshanah wants to share the following video with you: The following is from a recent email to Malcolm: Malcolm, thank you for your reply Here are some suggestions and offers: Allow people to pay with what they pledge. Assist people to also pay in cash for pledges. I can pledge web site assistance and referrals. Post to a newsletter Reciprocate with like minds Come Meet Vision Circle 5 on 1st Monday in DEC. Promote fund raising and pledge offers on the Web. And create a sponsors page, take the donations NOW! Setup PAYPAL to make it easier to receive lots of money. Use Free Open source software for content management. Start hot linking to all the great vision activists ALREADY! You are a link in a much greater VISION already started. Use venues and volunteers sponsoring VISION making. Your Media and Ideas are Valuable - get them hosted! Make it clear that you want people to get on board. What are the opportunities for participation? What can people pledge and sponsor? Thank every person for their Gift. Referral spins a Golden thread Fresh Cash = Currency Real Value Flows And Inspires People. regards Jason |
Malcolm Cohan's VISION Statement
VISION Statement helps people get what they want! This is my audacious vision of how VISION Statement Starts, Grows and Becomes Awesome... How really great people come to help me, And how we use VISION Statement to change the world. (less) Malcolm Cohan's Rocket Ship Seminar: Malcolm Cohan Invites you: WHAT NOW? Be audacious! Make a VISION Statement. Manifest something wonderful, for yourself - or for the world. I'll show you how. COME ALONG TO MY VISION Statement SEMINAR. These will be held in Australia over December and January and in the USA in Feb 07. We get together with a bunch of laptops and in a couple of hours you'll have your own personal VISION Statement (it's easier than you think) and we'll have so much fun! Keen? Email Malcolm for the details: |