Title: Foh is Here

How do I integrate a seven degree buddy tree with
a value metric currency and a loyalty exchange forum.

focus, fodder, foe (nick names for the 3 buddy levels)
foetal, fog, foible (reception vacancy on same levels)

Last night, discussing my vision with vision circle five...
the group gave me constructive but negative feedback
in regard to the VC-Five forum we are currently using.

In response, I launched into a futuristic proposition...
What might replace our various communication systems?

I tried to synthesis the buddy tree with a mobile phone.
"imagine if your phone directory on your phone was live."

Now the hard part, what good is a live phone directory?
"imagine putting in your preferences and they their own."

I was stuck with trying to suggest how easy it would be.
"the software would automatically match peoples interests."

Nuh, it didn't sound too convincing to me either...
"the software would make it easy for you to connect up."

Forget it... I was going no where, in no mans land, lost.
So, here I am trying to put 'humpty back together again'.

Well, I woke up fondling the breath of life, the name YHVH.
That is to say, synthesizing the 4 elements and water cycle.

Heat, the fuel of evaporation, raising air/water vapor,
Wind tempers heat into a wind/water/dust cloud system,
Water calms down, precipitation, seeking/finding itself,
Earth absorbs and carries, pregnant with new blood, a baby.

Notice, a transition between the elements bridges several.
The direction of the water cycle is manifestation, a process.
Out breath, making manifest, in breath, the realm, present.

(see: The Great Water Cycle)

Waking up again, I find synthesis in exchange and currency.
I'd be asking you lots of questions at this point, right?

Well, I thought I better come down stairs and make manifest.

(got to go now, see you at work a bit later...)

At work now, editing, getting back to details on exchange.

How do I integrate a seven degree buddy tree with
a value metric currency and a loyalty exchange forum.

focus, fodder, foe (nick names for the 3 buddy levels)
foetal, fog, foible (reception vacancy on same levels)

FOCUS, Level 1, represents buddies with open invitations.
Imagine your buddy tree has a hotel vacancy allocation list.
By invitation, I'll explain the RSS page feed concept to you.

RSS is a internet protocol with a rich page summary format.
As opposed to email, it works on a pull rather than a push.
People request from a page feed provider their page feed.

Easily understood are updates on quotes, weather, movies.
Considered broadly, it's an invitation to provide information.

While most RSS feeds provide openly, to the general public,
the RSS providers could limit the reception to a defined list.

Consider Level 3 buddies, called FOES, they are blocked.
Level 3s represent parties to NOT send/receive page feeds.

Level 2 buddies are FODDER, FOGGY until brought into FOCUS.
Your and their preferences define the open channel Levels.

You may also open your invitations to buddies of your buddies
Say to the unknown level 1 buddies of your own level 1 buddies.
This requires provision of a buddy reception and vacancy policy.
You can define these policies under the foetal, fog, foibles.

Continuing into an exchange integration...

A buddy can represent not only a personal profile
but also a business, organization, product or service.

Moving quickly...
Currencies are developed by those who have developed a history.
Loyalty rewards are provided by agreements within cooperatives.
The value preferences literally define usage of the currencies.

I know the ending was rushed but I have change of Shift at Work.


2004 11 03

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