Title: Dimensionality

di - 	: prefix: in Greek: double. in Latin (dis): negation.
   - mens	: verb: to mind, root of the verb: to measure.

   - ion 	: suffix forming a noun: an example of the verb
   - al	: suffix forming an adjective: like the verb
   - ity	: suffix forming a noun: quality or degree of the verb

Holding a relatively conclusive state of mind,
inclusive of independent yet similar mindings.

Point, Reference, Relation
Pattern, Field, Domain

A point, points to itself.

A reference holds two points, it refers them.
Two references are held by a relation.
A pattern holds relations.
A field holds patterns.
A domain holds fields.

I have attempted to choose sensical words.
Please understand a theme behind my words.

Inquiry and Learning into a logical pattern
is an ongoing process of acquiring a personal
sense of self evident reality as it appears
within the pattern, its fields and a domain.

Each of our logical patterns form a field
as they intend or extend into other patterns.

Fields of patterns extend and intend further
into other fields to form a larger domain.

The acquired logical patterns, fields and domains
inform a person of their own self evident reality.

A pattern may be shifted or displaced,
say from ones physiological pattern,
towards say ones psychological pattern,
or further into ones sociological pattern.

Learning with a displaced logical pattern
will also shift or displace further learning.

The obvious question is...
how might we learn to be well minded?


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