Co-opportunicate - Local currency for democracy.

An historical opportunity is opening before us...
A time when pluralistic society can co-opportunicate.

Co-opportunicate might sound like a new unfamiliar word,
but it simply brings together some well understood ideas.

It's an abrieviation for a process supporting shared values:
Co-operative mutual opportunity, a cause to communicate.

This is an introduction to a possible democratic process.
Consider the proliferation of our local currency systems.

The proliferation of a plurality of local currency systems
may lead to a form a bottom up democractic process.

When Local currencies are currencies of value alignment.
This is when local currency represents freedom of choice.

A Local currency is an agreed exchangable value system.
A currency is considered local when it is traded internally
and with other seperate local or a global value systems.

Local currencies such as loyalty rewards, points, credits,
are exchanged in the form of bonus value and discounts.

Why do we have the society we have or might not have?
How are complex alignments organized to form a society?

People consent to exchange one value for another value.
People partially understand and respond to this process.

In what form might a bottom up roots democracy take?
How might we interlace social activity with social choice?

As consumers we are voting with our descision making.
As producers and suppliers we are voting as providers.

If every product or service is value labeled and indexed.
If every exchange would be immediately polled, a vote.

Then every exchange is an alignment with value consent.
Every product and service provider will seek acreditation.

Then Acreditation providers will seek global acreditations.
Without active consent acreditation labels are worthless.

Society is a complex of values informing social behaviour.

If popularity is the most powerful form of acreditation,
how will the individual or minority be fairly represented?
How will fair be defined if we consent to a majority rule?

When Local currencies are currencies of value alignment.
This is when local currency becomes freedom of choice.

What is freedom to self determination within a society?
Will we consent to majority rule in a pluralistic society?

If local currency is a powerful method to extend pluralism,
why would a minority consent to a singular global currency?

To the degree value alignments cooperate, they can prove.
To the degree value alignments fragment, they fail aswell.

What are the values of society as a whole and in part?
And how much freedom to cooperate do we have in part?

When a consumer chooses to save money or to make it,
over which values have these exchanges been imposed?

When choice is polled it makes an immediate difference.
Will we choose to have our every exchange polled or not?

When seeking freedom to align value in scale or complexity,
consider every consent to exchange as the co-opportunity.

When Local currencies are currencies of value alignment.
This is when local currency becomes freedom of choice.

This is an introduction to a possible democratic process.
Consider the proliferation of our local currency systems.

9th May 2004

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